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About Us

Hi, thanks for dropping by Photography Escapades.

We are Townsville photographers, while enthusiastic about travel photography, are by no means professional photographers, nor members of a photography club, enjoying photographing places and events. 
Photography Escapades is a photography with a passion for travel, adventure and exploration. We bring you photography from parts of the world we visited so far, from the big cities to the country towns.
Our photography portofolio includes a variety of styles and techniques, from street and portrait photography to landscape and nature photography. Join us on our photographic journey and enjoy our photography!

Fred is passionate about candid and street photography whereas Robyn is a fan of all forms of scapes - landscapes, seascapes and cityscapes photography. While we mainly love to capture our family and holiday memories, we enjoy stepping out of our comfort zone from time to time. 
Robyn also enjoys creating audio-visual presentations.

We hope you enjoy viewing our travel images and audio visuals presentation of the places we visited so far.
Robyn and Fred


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