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Choosing a Camera Lenses

Camera lenses are used to filter the light, (exposure) to a fixed focal point on the camera sensor. The lens is made up of a number of glass plates or a single plate that are either convex or concave.

Photography Camera Lenses
Camera Lenses

There are several types of lenses you can use depending on your shoot. The main ones are:

Prime Lenses.
Zoom Lenses.
Anatomy of a Lens.

Prime Lenses:

A Photography Prime Lens
A Prime Lens

Prime lenses have a fixed

focal length. This focal length is the distance between the point of convergence of your exposure in the lens to the sensor in your camera. Prime lenses have very wide or large aperture to allow more light into your camera because they have wider maximum apertures. The hole in the lens is wider, and more light can get into the camera while the shutter is open. So shooting in a low light situation and nigh time, a prime lens is going to help you get the exposure you need without needing to resort to increasing your ISO or lowering your shutter speed. They are better in separating the subject from the background.

They produce higher and sharper colour rendered images than zoom lenses. They are also lighter to carry and smaller in size than Zoom Lenses.

Main use of a Prime Lens: Street Photography, Architecture, Landscape, Portraiture and at Night or Indoors in low light situations. Zoom lenses can be used as well although the result is not as sharper than a fixed lens.

The most popular prime lenses have a focal length are between the 20 to 85 ml range.

Zoom Lenses:

A Photography Zoom Lens
A Zoom Lens

Zoom lenses have several lenses in the body, mechanically assembled to cover a range of focal length to vary the field of view of the exposure.

They are heavier and do not produce sharp exposures compared the prime lenses. They are convenient in space by combining severall options in viewing the scene at different distances. Basically they are a combination of several prime lenses in one body.

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