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Photography Travel Plan

Our photography travel plan starts by researching: the location, getting the timing right and bringing the right equipment.

Photography Escapades Travel Planning
Planning is important
Research the location.
Get the timing right.
Bring the right equipment.
Street Photographer's Rights.

Planning for the trip is important especially if you enjoy photography travel. We plan for a trip about 4 weeks in advance by creating an excel worksheet. Every point we add to the sheet is reviewed every time we look at the sheet and ticked off. Do some research about your destination ahead of time.

Spend some time planing for the kind of shots you want to get.

Search the location on the web. Go through the genuine website for the places you want to go and photograph. Check the Events, the Attractions, possible vintage point areas. Make a list of your preferences and add them to your check list.

Book for the accommodation via the Hotel or Motel's website, even Internationally or go through the Travel Managers , call Lauren Compton on 0439 461 334, and she is local, very reliable and knowledgeable, we use her all the time.

If you're travelling overseas, check the country's website for Visa entry requirements if any and apply through it. Check when the Visa expires.

Below is information and tips using a Dslr camera.

Portable Tablets and Cell phones equipped with a camera will be discussed in anothe post.

Have the right equipment for your photography travel.

The best lens for travel photography depends on your camera and your shooting requirements.

Our choice of lenses are the trilogy:

  • a wide angle lens 20ml or 24ml f1.4 for scapes,

  • a 24-70 ml f 2.8 for street photography

  • and a 70-200ml f4 (this one is lighter than the 2.8 and the most used time is the day) for long zooms.

You will need a tripod, one that can carry the full weight of the camera and the heaviest lens, needs to be small when folded, enough that it’s easy to pack them into a bag, or at least hook them onto one. Travel tripods will also often be constructed of carbon fibre – a superior material to aluminum.

Importantly it needs to fit in your suitcase if travelling on a plane, never carry it alone.

You will need a camera bag if your taking more than the camera and lens.

I suggest you take two. One for all your equipment and the other for your field trips which will contain your camera and the attachments required for that planned outing.

Street Photographer's Rights.

Below is the link to familiarise yourself about your rights in public areas and other situations.

The Photographer's Ephemeris app.
The Photopills app.

Both will help you plan for your locations.

They can both be downloaded from the App Stores.


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