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Using the Camera

Using the camera skills is what you need to capture and produce high-quality photographs. It includes the knowledge of how to use your camera and the knowledge of post processing the photos after you've taken them.

The basic fundamental of photography is to communicate a moment in time. Share this moment with others and relaying a story of this moment and cherishing it for the rest of your life. There is a story to every photo.

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Photography Escapades Camera Skills
Know your Camera
Get familiar with your
Search for photography blogs.
Join a camera club.
Practice on a regular basis.

Get familiar with your camera:

The first thing is to know is what kind of camera do you need. There are so many brands producing different models with different prices and there are so many types, it could be confusing for a beginner. All cameras have the same basic operating system same as cars. While camera choice does matter, every model is capable of great shots. If you are a beginner purchase a camera with a kit lens, spend time practising and developing you skills. The more expensive the better result in the photo you take. Even the cheapest camera will be difficult to operate if you do not understand the basic concept of photography.

READ the MANUAL as it was part of your purchase.

Go to the Camera's Website to learn more about your camera.

The basic concept of photography will be explained in a separate post.

Search for photography blogs:

It is a form of photo sharing and publishing in the format of a blog on a website. It focuses on photographs rather than text and most of the times contain information about other aspects of photography. On your web browser type in "photography blogs" and there you are, take your pick.

Join a Camera Club:

A local one. If there are several ones then look for the one that will address your needs regardless of the membership price.

Most of them offer the basic programs, such as competitions, field trips and workshops. Most importantly look for the ones that offer real photography tutoring.

Practice on a regular basis:

You will probably be gradually learning from the club you joined but still put aside a regular weekly time to practice on your and learn how to use the camera.

The link below is my favourite

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